Friday, March 18, 2011

Bed Head

Months before the wedding, I was itching to cut my hair short again.  I'd been growing it out for more than three years and was growing weary of the same old style.  So one of my first orders of business as a married woman was to get a haircut.  I chopped it off and sent my hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths, which uses donated hair for wigs and hairpieces for cancer patients.  My hair grows really quickly, so donating my hair every few years is a practice I'd like to continue doing.

This is my third hair donation in the last seven years, so I've gotten pretty used to going from style to style.  One thing I'll never get used to, though, is waking up every morning and seeing what sort of wild, gravity-defying feat my hair has done overnight.  Here's what I'm talking about:

See what I mean?  I'd encourage all to try donating their hair at least once in their lives.  I've also found that it's a lot easier to part with your hair knowing that it's going to a good cause rather than just being swept up off the barbershop floor.  Plus, you get the bonus of waking up in the morning to hairstyles that rival the Donald Trump's "Which Direction Does It Grow From?" Comb-Over!  The deer in headlights look may not come as naturally, however.

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